We did it with a nifty one liner perl command that uses the TOGGLE operator.
zcat fast.dmp.12082014_13_03.sql.gz |perl -ne 'if (/CREATE TABLE `budget`/../UNLOCK/ ) {print $_; }' > budget.1208.sql
This looks for lines in the dump between lines that match the green and yellow highlighted words ( which happen to be the separators we want )
We wanted to be able to rename our table so we could load it in the current schema as the live table so we added a substitution before printing like this:
zcat fast.dmp.12082014_13_03.sql.gz |perl -ne 'if (/CREATE TABLE `budget`/../UNLOCK/ ) {$_=~s/budget/budget_1210/; print $_; }' > budget.1208.sql
Good thing to have in your toolkit..