Stop IE from prompting for passwords on download of excel

We finally came up with a solution for the IE prompts for PIN multiple times and passwrods.


The solution turned out to be adding a Content Header  to treat the xls files as “Attachements”  — this way IE doesn’t try to open see if it can open for “editing”  instead it just gives the user the dialog to open or save choice – If they choose open it just pops open without any delay or extra pin prompts J


Here is the Microsoftt page that gave us this IDEA:


Which we found from here:


The Apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf change we made to fix this is here:


First – make sure the mod_headers module is loaded and then add the yellow below.


LoadModule headers_module modules/



Order allow,deny

Allow from all

Deny from all

Header set Content-Disposition attachment

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